Some twenty years ago, the Bagmati river flowing through Kathmandu was a lovely and clean river lined with green banks and a range of magnificent temples. Or so I was told. The Nepalis consider their river as holy - similar to the Ganges in India. The ashes of the dead people are dropped into the river after being burned on one of the cremation sites along the river. All this however does not stop them from dropping their rubbish in it. What could be a place of rest and retreat has become the emblem of developing-country-misery. The river is so smelly it can be noticed all over the town on a hot day. It is almost unbearable anywhere in the close vincinity. Children, stray dogs and cows all look for food in the rubbish bags carelessly dumped here and the poorest of the poor have their home in tents made of rubbish along the banks. Along the riverside there is a range of hospitals from maternity wards to cholera hospitals. It is hard to imagine you can cure anything in these surroundings.
Monday, 30 April 2007
Am lieblichen Bagmati - Along the lovely Bagmati
Some twenty years ago, the Bagmati river flowing through Kathmandu was a lovely and clean river lined with green banks and a range of magnificent temples. Or so I was told. The Nepalis consider their river as holy - similar to the Ganges in India. The ashes of the dead people are dropped into the river after being burned on one of the cremation sites along the river. All this however does not stop them from dropping their rubbish in it. What could be a place of rest and retreat has become the emblem of developing-country-misery. The river is so smelly it can be noticed all over the town on a hot day. It is almost unbearable anywhere in the close vincinity. Children, stray dogs and cows all look for food in the rubbish bags carelessly dumped here and the poorest of the poor have their home in tents made of rubbish along the banks. Along the riverside there is a range of hospitals from maternity wards to cholera hospitals. It is hard to imagine you can cure anything in these surroundings.
Ostern in Chitwan - Easter in Chitwan pt. 2
Auf der anderen Seite werden wir von einem kleinen Unterstand, einem Jeep und zwei Angestellten erwartet, die uns willkommen heißen. Wir bekommen unsere Willkommens-Tikas, kleine rote Punkte auf unserer Stirn, die uns als die Neuen in der Lodge ausweisen. Dann bekommen wir lauwarme Tücher zum abkühlen und Saft, der so dickflüssig ist, dass er unsere Zungen an den Gaumen klebt. Wir werden auf das offene Verdeck des Jeeps geladen und machen uns auf den Weg in den Dschungel.
Wir machen Lärm. Wir suchen uns Bäume zum klettern. Es verschwindet wieder und kommt zurück. Diesmal von hinten. Wir sind nur Meter von ihm entfernt. Als es schließlich entgültig verschwindet, haben wir zwei Möglichkeiten. Warten, bis der Fahrer einen neuen Jeep geholt hat, oder laufen. Warten ist nicht meine Stärke, so dass ich für Laufen stimme und die anderen stimmen mir zu. Und ich hatte der Botschaft versprochen, keine Naturwanderungen zu machen. Zum Glück ist es nicht mehr zu weit und von einigen Witzen unseres Guides abgesehen, schaffen wir es sicher zurück. Unsere Abenteuerlust für den Tag ist allerdings gedeckt. Nicht überraschend findet sich nur ein Freiwilliger für den Naturspaziergang am Nachmittag. Der Rest von uns erholt sich in der brennenden Hitze und liest ein Buch.
Der Nachmittag bring uns auch eine Lektion über Elefanten, deren Höhepunkt kommt, als wir die Elefanten mit Sandwiches aus Gras, Reis und Salz füttern. Nach dem Abendessen folgt ein Vortrag über die Tiere im Wald. Keine Kragenbären, Leoparden oder Tiger in Sicht.
The road is barely more that a one lane path that winds between high trees, vines and termite hills. The tour lasts for about 20 minutes that we use to take pictures, mind our heads and generally be amazed and stare at the unknown beauty around us. Everything smells, sounds, and feels strange in a way that can only be described as exotic. I feel like an overly excitable child on Christmas. I cannot wait for the days to come and all the new things I will see. Just smelling the air and seeing the hundreds of birds around us is overwhelming. Then we reach the Lodge.
We get taken to the restaurant right away and get our first meal at the lodge. It is the obligatory Daal Bhat, rice with lentil soup, but with some nice vegetables and meat. And it tastes great! Afterwards we are shown to our hut, number 118 right along the riverside. A little log cabin on four legs with a straw roof. Inside there is a bathroom with
And then we get notice to set of. What for? Why, the elephant ride, of course. I’m so excited I can only just stop myself from jumping into the air. A real elephant! This is definitely too good to be true!
We get to the stand where the elephants wait for us. By now we are a small group: a honeymoon couple from
The morning brings us a jeep and boat tour. Along with the four Brits from the previous day we set of in a jeep to get to the river. We see some deer, keep hearing the jungle fowl, until finally a little rooster walks right across our path, looking just like the ones on any chicken farm. Given my fascination with chickens in general I’m thrilled and make it my task to get a picture of one of them during my stay. I will fail, by the way, they are just too shy… Then we see a stunning peacock on the way, just in front of us. We get down to the bank of the river and change into a small wooden boat, just like the one on the previous day. The boat is rowed by two men, one standing in the front, one in the back. They use paddles in the deeper water and stakes when it’s shallow. We drive down the river and see many more birds. Herons and cormorants are fishing in the water. Then we spot the grey shape on the bank of the river. A gharial, a long-nosed crocodile with a range of oddly-fitted teeth made to catch speedy river fish. We keep as quiet as we can and manage to get very close to it, before it hears us and tries to escape to the water. We follow and row along for a while before it dives and disappears.
There are fishermen on the river, their small tents on little sandbanks in the river. They fish just like their forefathers did hundreds of years ago, with nets, sticks and dugout-canoes. Our guide tells us that sometimes one of them ends up as prey of the crocodiles at night.
We reach the end of our boat trip and land on the spot we came in the day before. The jeep is waiting for us and we are sad that our tour is over. All but Oli, who sits next to the driver get loaded onto the back, and we set off. About halfway we stop. There is a rhino on the way, right in front of us. Given we are sitting on an open jeep, we are slightly alarmed. Our guide and the driver start to make noise to scare it away. The driver starts the engine to make even more noise and the rhino thinks a while and then finally runs into the jungle. We want to start the engine and drive on. Our hearts nearly stop as the engine quits service and does not start again. And the rhino returns. It is really big, male, young and aggressive. Rhinos account for most deaths in the park and being trampled to death by a mad colossus of over two tonnes does not sound like the most appealing kinds of death. We are told they are this aggressive, because they are very short-sighted. They cannot see who is there, so they attack. A charming character trait.
We make noise. And we choose the best trees to climb on. It disappears again, then comes back, this time from behind. We are just meters from it. When it finally disappears, we have to make a decision. Wait and let the driver get a new car, or walk. Waiting is not my best skill so I opt for walking and the others agree. And I had promised the embassy not to go on a nature walk… Luckily it’s not too far and apart from a few practical jokes from our guide we get back safely. Our sense of adventure is satisfied for this day, though. Not surprisingly, there is only one volunteer for the nature walk in the afternoon. The rest of us sits and chills in the boiling heat, reads a book and recovers.
The afternoon also brings a lecture on elephants that peaks in us feeding elephant sandwiches, packets of grass, rice and salt, to the animals. After dinner we get a little lecture on which animals are there in the jungle and see pictures of what we could have seen. No sloth bears, leopards or tigers for us, then.
The plan for the next day gets handed out in the evening. Two elephant rides are scheduled for us. I feel a bit sore after the first one already. The half-grown calf of our elephant follows us on this tour and entertains itself in its own way, while we are riding, as children do. We see many rhinos again, birds and deer and monkeys up in the trees (better don’t stop underneath them, they like to give too nosey visitors a shower!). Suddenly our mahout says something in Nepali and stops the elephant. And then gets off! It’s a strangely helpless feeling sitting on an elephant in the middle of the jungle while the only person able to ride it just disappeared behind a tree. Luckily, no tiger came while we were waiting. The afternoon tour gives me a (quite small) elephant to myself. Oli decides to stay in the camp and so I ride through the jungle with my own mahout and guide. A very nice last ride with dozens of rhinos. And then we see them: mother and baby rhino, the baby only about two months old. Unfortunately I don’t get to take a picture as it is hiding behind its mum all the time.
Ostern in Chitwan - Easter in Chitwan pt. 1
Der Terai hat zwei für Besucher besonders interessante Gebiete: Lumbini, Geburtsort Buddhas und eine wichtige religiöse Stätte für alle Buddhisten und der Royal Chitwan Nationalpark, bekannt als eines der letzten Rückzugsgebiete für Nashörner , Tiger, zwei Krokodilarten, Affen, Elefanten, Büffeln, Leoparden, Gangesdelfinen, verschiedenen Schmetterlingsarten und anderen Insekten und ungefähr 500 Vogelarten! Im Sommer ist das Klima unerträglich heiß und feucht, jedenfalls für alle, die nicht zu den Tharus gehören, wie die Einheimischen der Gegend heißen und so wussten wir, dass der Park unser erstes Ziel in Nepal werden würde, auch wenn wir noch nicht viel von Kathmandu gesehen hatten.
In der Botschaft arbeiten hat verschiedenste Vorteile. Einer davon ist unsere einheimische Rezeptionistin, die jeden zu kennen und alles mit einem einzigen Anruf organisieren zu können scheint. Sie buchte für uns nicht nur in eine all-inclusive Lodge mitten im Dschungel zu eine guten Preis, sondern organisierte auch noch unseren Transport hin und zurück… im „teuren“ Touristenbus, der, der ca. 5 € hin und zurück kostet! Alles ist für uns geregelt und wir mussten nur noch zahlen.
Früh am Freitagmorgen machten wir uns auf den Weg und gingen zur Kathmandu Busbahnhof in Kanti Path. Dieser besteht aus einer Reihe von an einer der meistbefahrenen Straßen entlang geparkten Bussen. Die meisten davon gehören zu Betreibern mit so klingenden Namen wie „All Asian Tours“, „Worldwide Travel“ und sogar „Greyhound“ (die natürlich nichts mit der US Firma zu tun haben). Generell: je klingender der Name, desto weniger vertrauenerweckend sieht der dazugehörige Bus aus. Unserer hatte den beruhigend unscheinbaren Namen „Green Line Travels“ und wurde von ca. 60 % Touristen sowie einigen wohlhabenderen Nepalis benutzt. Auf diese Art zu reisen hat seine Vorteile: niemand sitzt auf dem Dach, der Fahrer hat einen Führerschein und ist nicht blind oder anderweitig ungeeignet und es gibt sogar eine Tür, die auch schließt. Naja, so halbwegs jedenfalls. Und der Fahrer fährt langsam, was ein Bonus ist, wenn man die nepalesischen Straßenverhältnisse und Fahrkenntnisse bedenkt.
Aber erstmal müssen wir der größten aller Störfaktoren entkommen: Straßenverkäufern. Die durchschnittliche Unterhaltung verläuft ungefähr so:
“Nein danke, wir haben genug”
„Nein danke, wir brauchen nichts“
„Nein, wirklich nicht.“
Es gibt nur ein Entkommen: umdrehen und ignorieren. Nur Norwegisch können. Oder Chinesisch. Und auf andere Touristen hoffen.
Endlich hatten wir es dann in den Bus geschafft, vorderste Reihe, direkt hinterm Fahrer. Keine Hühner, keine Ziegen in Sicht und nur zehn Menschen zu viel im Bus. Aber für die gibt’s ja die kleinen Baststühlchen zum sitzen. Wir fahren ca. 140 km. Also 7 Stunden Fahrtzeit in Nepal! Die ersten fünf davon sind in diesem Bus, der langsam losfährt, sich durch das geschäftige Chaos Kathmandus wühlt und nicht einen einzigen Motorradfahrer umfährt. Und dann, als wir gerade die Stadt verlassen, beginnt der Stau. Kilometerweise Busse und Lastwagen und nichts bewegt sich mehr. Zeit auszusteigen, Fotos zu machen, in der Sonne zu braten, wieder einzusteigen. Erste Pause, zweite Pause, dritte Pause. Diesmal in einem Städchen, das seine ganze Existenz damit rechtfertigt, eine Touristenabladestation auf halbem Weg zu sein. Ein Cafe bietet Nepalesisches, Indisches, Englisches, Chinesisches und „Kontinentales“ Essen anbietet. Was auch immer für ein Kontinent gemeint ist. Nichts davon sieht einladend genug zum Probieren aus. Die Qualität von Straßenessen scheint international genormt zu sein um möglichst schlecht zu schmecken. Neben dem Cafe gibt es einen ansprechenderen kleinen Markt der alles mögliche lokale Obst und Gemüse verkauft. Auf jeden Fall ein Paar Fotos wert. Dann nach 25 Minuten (30 waren angegeben) fährt der Bus ohne weitere Vorwarnung ab. Glücklich wer dabei war und wir waren es.
Die Straße ändert sich und wir fahren jetzt an einem großen Fluss entlang. Kleine Schlauchboote sind unten im Wasser, 150 m unter uns zu sehen. Kleine Raftingfirmen sind zwischen Straßen und Fluss gequetscht. Wir scheinen an jeder einzelnen von ihnen zu halten und Menschen, Zeitungen und andere Dinge abzuladen. Dann sind wir endlich in Narayangadh. Wir sind die einzigen, die aussteigen und der Fahrer unserer Lodge erwartet uns schon. Es folgt eine Stunde Zeitreise, von einer modernen nepalesischen Stadt zurück in das Mittelalter der Tharu-Dörfer, wo die einzigen Zeichen modernen Lebens T-Shirts, Telefonläden und ab und zu mal ein Motorrad sind.
Dann erreichen wir den Fluss, der Chitwan von den umgebenden Gebieten abgrenzt. Ein Boot wartet auf uns und wir werden hinübergerudert und erreichen die Ruhe und den Frieden des Chitwan Nationalparks.
Well, the intern’s life is hard. Just four days of work and already we had four days off. Easter is not celebrated in Nepal for obvious reasons but the embassy gives its employees time off nevertheless. Me and my co-intern Oliver used our chance to travel to the lowest and most southern part of Nepal, called the Terai. The area is known for its tropical climate, cultural and geographical closeness to India but also for economical depression and tendency to support the Maoists. But after the installation of an interim gouvernment that includes the Maoists hope was, there would be no trouble, especially not for tourists.
The Terai has two areas of special interest to tourist: Lumbini, birthplace of Buddha and major religious site for all Buddhists and the Royal Chitwan National Park, known as one of the last resorts for One-horned rhinos, tigers, two species of crocodiles, monkeys, elephants, buffalos, Leopards, Gangetic Dolphins, various species of Butterflies and other insects and about 500 different species of birds! During summer, the climate is almost unbearably hot and humid, that is unless you are a Tharu, as the native people of the area are called, and so we knew it was the first thing to visit in Nepal, even though we hadn’t seen much of Kathmandu yet.
Working at the embassy has various advantages. One of them is the local receptionist, who seems to know everyone and can organize everything with just a phone call. She not only managed to book us into an all-inclusive lodge in the middle of the jungle, but also got us a good price and organized our transport there and back… in the “expensive” tourist bus that is, one that costs about 5 € return! Everything is set up and all we have to do is pay.
We set off, early on Friday morning and went to the Kathmandu bus station at Kanti Path. This station consists of a layby along one of the city’s busiest roads where buses to all different directions are parked. Most of the belong to companies with illustrous names such as “All Asian Tours”, “Worldwide Travel”, “Greyhound” (which, by the way has no apparent connection to the US firm). As a general rule the more illustrous the name, the less reliable the bus looks. Ours had the blissfully unremarkable name “Green Line Travels” and was used by about 60 % foreigners as well as some of the better off Nepalis. Travelling this way does have its advantages: no-one sits on the roof, the driver has a license, he is not blind or otherwise impaired and there is even a door that shuts. Well, sort of. Plus, the driver drives slowly which is a good thing considering Nepali road conditions and driving skills.
But first we have to escape the biggest pest of all: street vendours. The average conversation goes like this:
‘No, thanks, we’ve got enough’
‘No thanks, we don’t need anything’
‘No, really’
‘Get lost!’
There is only one way to escape: turn around and ignore them. Only speak Norwegian. Or Chinese. And hope for some other tourists to turn up.
So finally we were on the bus, front row, just behind the driver. No chickens or goats in sight, and just ten people too many on the bus. But then again, that’s what the extra little chairs are there for. The distance is about 140 kms. That makes 7 hours driving in Nepal! 5 of them are on this bus that slowly starts, tries to get through the busy chaos that is Kathmandu, even manages not to knock over a single motorcyclist. And then, just as we are out of the city, the traffic jam starts. Miles of buses and lorries, nothing goes. Time to get off, take a few pictures, boil in the sun, then get on again. First pause, second pause, third pause. This time in a town that seems to justify its whole existence by being the official mid-way tourist dump. A café offering Indian, Nepali, English, Chinese and Continental Food – whichever continent that is. None of it looks appealing enough to try. The quality of roadside food seems to be internationally normed to be bad. Outside the café is a more appealing small market selling all sorts of local fruit and veg. Worth a few pictures. Then, after about 25 minutes (half an hour was announced) the bus leaves without further notice. Lucky who got in and we were among those.
The road changes and we now drive along a big river. Small rafts are visible down in the water, about 150 metres below us. Rafting companies are nestled between the road and the river. We seem to stop at every single one of them, letting out people, newspapers and other supplies. Then we finally reach Narayangadh. We are the only ones to get off and a driver from our lodge already waits to pick us up. What follows is an hour long time travel, from a modern Nepali town back to the middle ages of the Tharu villages, where the only signs of modern life are T-Shirts and Telephone shops and the odd motor bike.
Then we reach the river that divides Chitwan from the surrounding areas. A boat is waiting for us and we get rowed over and reach the peace and quiet of the National Park.
Friday, 20 April 2007
Obstgroßmarkt in Kathmandu - Fruit Market in Kathmandu
Obstgroßmarkt in Kathmandu - Fruit Market in Kathmandu
Monday, 16 April 2007
Ein Frohes Neues Jahr 2064 - A Happy New Year 2064
On Saturday we celebrated the Nepalese New Year so that now we are in the year 2064. The counting begins with a king who managed to unify the whole Indian subcontinent under his rule. We celebrated in Thamel, where for once the Nepalese left their homes as well and came out in the evening, and in Bhaktapur, where there is a celebration that lasts three days and attracts huge amounts of Nepalese. There is a parade with chariots that get drawn through the city and in the end a pole is raised to celebrate.
Friday, 13 April 2007
Erste Eindrücke - First Impressions
Kathmandu liegt in einem Tal, dem Kathmandu-Tal, ungefähr 1300 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel. Das Zentrum des Tales wird von drei Städten bestimmt, die im Laufe der Jahre immer mehr zusammengewachsen sind, so dass es heute schwer zu unterscheiden ist, in welcher Stadt man sich gerade befindet. Kathmandu, oder Kantipur, wie es auch heißt, is die Hauptstadt und die Größte und Geschäftigste. Patan, oder Lalitpur, ist diejenige mit den meisten Tempeln und eine Chance, ein bisschen Ruhe vor den Touristenfängern zu finden, und Bhaktapur ist die Besterhaltendste, die mit westlichen Geldern aus den USA und Europa renoviert wurde. Gemeinsam mit vier anderen Stätten formen die drei Städte die UNESCO Stätte Kathmandu Tal, auch wenn Bhaktapur die einzige ist, die nicht als gefährdet durch Unachtsamkeit, moderne „Verbesserungen“ und dichten Verkehr gilt.
Ich selbst lebe in Patan, etwas südlich von Kathmandu. Die beiden Städte werden durch den Bhagmati-Fluss getrennt, den dreckigsten und stinkendsten Ort, den ich je gesehen habe. I werde ihm ein extra Kapitel widmen, wenn ich auch noch Fotos zum Beweis habe. Unsere Umgebung ist ziemlich ruhig, zumindest für nepalesische Verhältnisse. Um in eines der Stadtzentren zu kommen, muss man ein Taxi nehmen, oder eine Weile durch die staubigen Straßen laufen. Aber auch Verkehr ist ein eigenes Kapitel, das noch kommt.
Meine Wohnung befindet sich in einem eigenen Gebäude auf dem Grundstück einer der Ortskräfte der Botschaft. Ich habe den Luxus von zwei Zimmern, Küche und Badezimmer. Was noch fehlt ist ein bisschen mehr Hindu-Kitsch um es zu dekorieren, so dass es noch ein bisschen spartanisch aussieht. Über der Wohnung gibt es eine Dachterrasse, von der man einen schönen Blick über Kathmandu hat. Dachterrassen sind überhaupt sehr beliebt in Nepal, jedes Haus hat mindestens eine, manchmal aber auch mehr und in verschiedene Richtungen, so dass man immer, wenn man will, die Sonne nutzen kann. In der Ferne kann ich ein paar Hügel erkennen... Ja, Hügel, wurde mir gleich beigebracht, da sie nur ca. 2500m hoch sind. An klaren Tagen kann man dann auch die richtigen Berge sehen, Teile des Himalayas. Leider gibt es diese klaren Tage nur selten. Eine Mischung aus Smog und Staub, in Kombination mit dem Dunst, der immer über der Stadt liegt, versperrt meistens die Sicht. Trotzdem ist es ein schöner Ort, um Sonnenuntergänge oder den extrem roten Mond zu sehen.
The Lonely Planet characterizes Kathmandu as “an intoxicating, amazing and exhausting place”. This description could hardly be any more accurate. The city is dirty, colourful, nerve-wracking, overwhelming and most of all, never quiet. During daytime it is a constant concert of horns, cars and people. At night the city belongs to the thousands of stray dogs that seem to defend their territories in night-long barking competitions. No wonder you can see them in the morning, exhausted along the streets. The early morning hours belong to the cuckoo, at least in our garden.
Kathmandu lies in a valley, the Kathmandu Valley, at around 1300 meters above sea level. The centre of the valley is dominated by three big cities, that little by little merged into one, so that today it is hard to distinguish between the three parts. Kathmandu, or Kantipur as it is also known, is the capital and the largest and busiest, Patan, or Lalitpur, is the one with the most temples and a chance to get a bit of peace and quiet from the tourist touts, and Bhaktapur is the best preserved one that was reconstructed with foreign money from Europe and the US. Together with four other sites these three cities form the UNESCO site of Kathmandu valley, even though all but Bhaktapur are considered endangered by too little consideration, modern “improvements” and heavy traffic.
I live in Patan, just south of Kathmandu. The two cities are divided by the Bhagmati river, the dirtiest and by far smelliest place I’ve ever seen. I will write a special chapter about the river some other time when I have pictures to prove it. Our neighbourhood is pretty quiet, at least by Nepal standarts. To get into any of the town centres you need to take a taxi or walk along the dusty streets for a while. But transportation is yet another chapter to come.
My flat is in a separate building in the garden of one of the Embassy’s local employees. I have the luxury of two separate rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Just not yet enough Hindu-kitsch to fll the whole flat so that it still is a bit spartan. Above the flat there is a terrace that has a beautiful view across Kathmandu. Rooftops are very popular in Nepal, every house has a few of them, usually in different directions so that you can use the sunlight as much as you like. In the distance I can see some hills in the background – yes, hills, I was told, as they rise only about 2500m. On clear days it is possible to see the real mountains, parts of the Himalaya. Unfortunately these clear days are rare. A mixture of smog and dust, combined with haze obstructs the view most of the time. Still it is a great place to see sunsets and a very red moon rising.
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
Der Himalaya - Ankunft in Nepal - The Himalaya - Arrival in Nepal
Thursday, 5 April 2007
Willkommen - Namaste - Welcome
Jetzt aber erst mal von vorne, für die, denen ich noch nicht alles erzählt habe: Seit dem 25. März bin ich jetzt in Nepal und mache hier ein Praktikum bei der Deutschen Botschaft, für drei Monate. Danach werde ich mich noch ein paar Wochen im Land aufhalten und ein bisschen Urlaub machen, so dass ich insgesamt vier Monate unterwegs bin. Hier in diesem blog möchte ich ein bisschen berichten und freue mich auch immer, von euch Kommentare zu bekommen.
I promised you to start a blog where I can not only tell you about my experiences in and my thoughts about Nepal but where I can also post some pictures of the things I see so that you can see in colour and not only written what happens to me while I'm here. Today, after some initial problems, I finally managed to install this blog, even though a lot of it is still pretty much a construction site, and a lot will (hopefully!) improve over time. Your suggestions are of course also welcome.
But now first of all for those who I didn't tell everything already: I came to Nepal on March 25 to do a three months internship at the German Embassy in Kathmandu. After that I will stay in the country for a few more weeks so that I will spend a total of around four months away. In this blog I will report a little and I'm looking forward to your comments.